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Lu, Y., & Bocian, K. (2024). Debiasing strategies for self-interest bias in moral character judgments of others. In The 19th Annual Meeting of Polish Social Psychological Society, held at SWPS Univeristy in Katowice (Poland), Sep 19-21 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y. (2024). Wang Chong's epistemology of Heaven and Immortality. In The 17th International Conference on Persons, held at Katholische Akademie in Berlin (Germany), Jul 22-26 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y. (2022b). The good Samaritan parable revisited: A survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Warsaw Seminar in Intergroup Relations---Political ideology and intergroup relations, held at Warsaw University (Poland), Jul 2-3 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y. (2022a). The good Samaritan parable revisited: A survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective II, held at Warsaw University and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland), May 12-14 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y., Nieznański, M., & Obidziński, M. (2021). Episodic memory in preference reversals. In The 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Ulm University (Germany), Mar 14-17 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y., & Nieznański, M. (2020). The base rate neglect in episodic memory. In The 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany), Mar 22-25 (canceled due to the COVID-19).

Lu, Y. (2019). Demonic dreaming. In The 36th Annual International Dream Conference, held at Kerkrade (The Netherlands), Jun 21-25 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y., & Nieznański, M. (2018b). Prevention regulatory focus and interdependent self-construal enhance the use of the majority rule in individual decision making. In The International Conference of Between Narcissism and Entitlement: Self-Enhancement in a Cross-Cultural Perspective, p. 25, held at Warsaw University (Poland), Apr 4-6 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y., & Nieznański, M. (2018a). "I" avoid loss, "we" seek interdependence: Regulatory focus and self construal as determinants on the majority rule. In The 2nd International Scientific Conference: The Challenges of Management: Leadership, Strategies, Social Responsibility, held at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland), Mar 12-13.

Lu, Y. (2017b). Risk-averse or risk-seeking? The influence of loss in preference reversal. In Poznań Reasoning Week 2017, pp. 50-53, held at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), Jul 4-7 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y. (2017a). Humanity and "I-Thou" relation in Confucianism in light of Christian personalism. In The 14th International Conference on Persons, held at University of Calabria (Italy), May 24-27 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y. (2016b). Memory and decision processes underlying hindsight bias: A fuzzy-trace theory perspective. In VI Interdyscyplinarnej Konferencji Naukowej Doktor w i Doktorant w Innovations in Science and Society - Yesterday and Today, held at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland), Dec 3 (contributed talk).

Lu, Y. (2016a). The majority rule or the equate-to-differentiate rule? The moderating role of regulatory focus, self-construals, and culture differences. In Poznań Reasoning Week 2016, pp. 24-26, held at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), Sep 5-10 (contributed talk).

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